One class that I had to take in college was Advanced Micronutrient Nutrition. I loved that class, I think it is because I loved the professor that taught that class. Anyway, the class basically discussed each micronutrient and structure function claims...i.e. vitamin c may contribute to a healthy immune system.
Which brings me to the point of this post...
My 9 month old is sick again. She was sick exactly one month ago. I know it is winter and I know that on average small children can get 8-10 colds a year, but it still makes me feel like I am doing something wrong. In reality, I know that I am not and that when kids get sick it just makes them stronger. Something that I find interesting about my baby girl is that she seems to have a weak gut. She has struggled with acid reflux to the point that I had to wean her from breastfeeding at 5 months and switch her to soy formula. I believe that her gut is getting stronger as she is able to tolerate cheese and yogurt. With time, I am sure that she will grow out of all this.
Research shows that there is a strong link between our gut (digestive system) and our immunity.Remember this post? Chances are if you have a weak gut, the more likely you are to get sick. Therefore, we must do our best to keep our digestive system strong and healthy.
While there is no scientific evidence that vitamin c can cure the common cold, there is research that states that it may help shorten the severity and duration of a cold. Plus, the antioxidant power of vitamin c is definitely a good thing. There is no need to supplement just whip up this tasty treat I made for my kiddos...
Get Better Sorbet
1 bag frozen strawberries {packed with vitamin c}
1 cup orange juice {packed with vitamin c}
3/4 cup plain yogurt {packed with probiotics}
3 packets of culturelle for kids {probiotic supplement}
1 swirl around the blender of agave (you can use more if you find that it needs more sweetness)
Blend together in a blender and transfer to an ice cream maker like this one. You could also make popsicles really fast if you have this, but my three year old makes me cut up popsicles anyway. Weird.
If anything else, it feels really good on a sore throat.
Love this post Devrie! This described Noah perfectly. He has such a sensitive stomach/reflux and gets sick all of the time. I just had no idea that they were associated with each other! Thanks!