Monday, November 16, 2009

Fight Infection

With countless illnesses swirling around, the thought on everyone’s mind may be how to avoid it.
First off, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated,
“Hand washing is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection.”

That is pretty easy don’t you think? Wash your hands well before eating, after going to the bathroom, after sneezing, and after you have been in a large crowd – say…the grocery store.
I don’t believe that you need to go overboard with hand sanitizers or disinfecting with Lysol, unless you have been around a lot of people.

What else can you do? Basically, take care of yourself and your kids.

Take a high quality multivitamin and mineral supplement. Look for one that has at least 100% of the RDA for all vitamins and minerals. Don’t get the one-a-day pills. It’s too hard to cram 100% of all the vitamins and minerals we need into 1 pill. Absorption rates vary as well, it just doesn’t make sense. Look for vitamins in capsule form; you can actually see the contents. The powder is much more absorbable than a compact pill. You may have to take 2 or 3 of the pills to get the dose you need, but at least you are taking in the right stuff and getting your moneys worth.

Consume probiotics. I talked about yogurt here. There is such a strong connection between your “gut” (digestive system) and your immunity. If you have a healthy gut you are much more likely to combat infection. We need some good bacteria down there and consuming plain, low-fat yogurt is a great way to keep those bacteria alive and happy.

Fiber helps too. As humans, we lack the enzyme to break down fiber. Therefore, it travels in bulk through our digestive system to our colon where these tiny bacteria live. The bacteria feed off the fiber and produce gas, yes gas. This whole activity keeps the bacteria alive and keep the walls of our intestines clean, allowing nutrients to be absorbed. Aim to get 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

Drink plenty of fluid. Water is the best. Nothing beats it. Make sure that you stay well hydrated each day. During winter months I like to get in a little more vitamin c through food, so I will buy 100% orange juice, grapefruits, and other citrus. I find it pretty amazing that this time of year is when our bodies could benefit from a little extra vitamin c that delicious citrus is perfectly in season…AMAZING!!

Exercise. It is a little more difficult to do during these cold months, but movement is one of the best things you can do for your body. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, which plays a huge role in your health. Aim to move at least 30 minutes each day. Try a DVD or put on some music and dance with your kids. Its good for them too.

Get a good night’s rest. Going to bed at the same time each night and waking at roughly the same time each day allows you to create a pattern. Your body will know naturally when it is time to go to be and when it’s time to get up. Children especially thrive off routine and consistency.

If you take care of your body you are much more likely to avoid illness. If you do happen to catch something, you are much more likely to fight off the infection sooner than someone who is less healthy. One more thing, if your kids do get sick…it’s not the end of the world. It can be a pain, but it is actually good for them. When kids get sick their bodies fight back, improving their immune system as well. So don’t be too afraid of germs, they can be a good thing!!

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