Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's in your fridge?

Happy first day of National Nutrition Month! To start off the month, I am asking...
"What's in your fridge?"
Send me pics and I will post them on my blog once per week. My favorite of the month will win my Four Week Focus Plan!! email me at devpettit@gmail.com
Here's a look inside my fridge...
{clockwise from the back left} horrible high fiber/low cal blueberry bagels (won't buy those again, just stick to real ones every now and then), leftover chicken noodle soup for the boy, plain Greek yogurt, tofu for Meatless Monday, hummus.
Cache valley string cheese, feta, Tillamook vintage white, Parmesan, nitrite-free deli meat. {side note: I love Harmon's, we are trying to save money so my hubby wants me to shop at Walmart. I was pretty surprised by their healthy selections. This isn't my favorite deli meat, but I also hate visiting more than one store)
100% whole wheat tortillas, 100% whole wheat pitas, free-range/organic eggs {I usually try to find the best price for what I am looking for, it may change from week to week. I look for free-range, vegetarian-fed, local eggs when possible.)
Water bottles leftover from vacation, plain yogurt, free-range organic chicken, organic low-sodium chicken broth, egg whites, cottage cheese, organic vanilla yogurt (to mix with the plain, because let's face it...it's pretty dang tangy!}
Skim milk {I try to buy Winder because they don't use growth hormones, their cows have access to outdoors, it's local, and it's cheaper than organic. But, Walmart doesn't carry it.} This is another local brand, but I prefer organic anyway...the hubby got this one. 100% whole wheat bread, natural peanut butter.
Veggies, veggies, veggies. Go in-season first as local as possible, organic second {when possible}.
Please send me your pics!!!

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