Monday, February 28, 2011


Tomorrow is March 1st, the first day of National Nutrition Month. This year's theme is "Eat right with color."
Take a look back on what you ate yesterday. Sundays are probably not your best day nutrition wise, but it may be a good eye opener. How many colors did you eat?
A healthful diet includes all colors of the rainbow, a variety of fruits and vegetables. I believe that all produce is amazing. Of course some provide more potent nutrients than others, but all work together to promote good health.
What does eating right with color mean to you? Please share!!

Along with eating more colors, many new and exciting things are coming to Bite Rite...
1. The launch of a new program - Four Week Focus {which is available for sale now. scroll down on the right side. many details to follow}
2. A fun giveaway
3. New recipes

Get your friends to follow and stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. i teach my kids to 'eat their colors' :) I got it from Sesame Street!
