Friday, February 18, 2011

Vacation Eats

I am off to create some magical memories with my little family. I plan to eat things that I normally eat, but enjoy some indulgences too. My goal is to exercise at least three days, but we will be walking A TON. I think it's important to always take work out gear when you travel and try to get even just a small work out in most of the days. I try not to go too over the top, it is a vacation after all.
Here are my healthy travel tips:
1. Pack work out gear
2. Eat a wholesome breakfast every day that includes lean protein
3. Drink plenty of water
4. Don't forget veggies. For lunch and dinner, try to get in at least a serving
5. Eat what you want, but stick to reasonable portions

National Nutrition Month starts when I return. Get excited.
Tori, you were the winner of the Vday giveaway. Please email me your home address so I can get you your prize. If, not I will have to pick a new winner!

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