Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't be scared...

Remember this post?
In my life there is a constant tug at my heartstrings when it comes to my kids (well, just kid in this example because the baby only eats 3 things right now). When it comes to food, my three-year-old will try anything. I mean anything. He is brave, but I would like to think that it has something to do with me exposing him to a variety of different foods.
He loves all types of foods, but like his mommy...he has a sweet tooth...a BIG one.
If you were to offer most kids a broccoli floret or a starburst, the candy would win. Even a dino-shapped nugget vs. a grilled chicken tender (my boy, I have to say would probably choose the grilled chicken), the former may win. Sadly, in the battle against candy and well anything else, candy almost always wins.
This is why as a Dietitian/Mom, I walk a fine line between adhering to what I believe in and not being a loser who passes out organic, unsweetened, unsulfered, dried apple rings on Halloween. I have found that completely replacing the candy is my best option. Instead, I visit Oriental Trading for festive {yet, cheap} novelties. I have to say, they have quite the selection of fun things. My little boy is very pleased. He played with each toy for about 5-10 minutes. Now, that lasts much longer than a fun-sized Twix (my personal favorite).
I know it may be too late now, but for the future..
Don't be scared to NOT pass out the candy. There will always be those who adhere to tradition even though non-candy items are becoming more socially acceptable! Your kids will still get PLENTY of candy.
{mini flashlights, glow-in-the-dark vampire fangs, sticky hands}
Honestly and truly. What do you think about this? What do you pass out to trick-or-treaters?


  1. amen sister! i love your thought process in eliminating candy from trick or treating!! the flashlights are adorable.

  2. Great idea! I will have to remember that for next year. Thanks (this is Ami, not Chaz!)

  3. honestly and truly, i bought six pounds of garbage-y chocolate. i live in a neighborhood where there's a ton of kids on halloween. kids loiter outside my building and generally act like punks on days that aren't halloween, so i'm honestly a little afraid to rock the boat on this one.

    maybe if i lived in a nicer neighborhood with fewer kids I'd shell out the moola for something cool like flashlights. Kudos to you Dev!

  4. We pass out candy, but that's a fun idea to throw in some little toys too. Probably catches the kids off guard to get a toy instead of a candy...and I'm sure they love it!

  5. I tried fortune cookies last year due to this very reason, but had kids turning away because they didn't want them! WHAT THE HECK??!!?? So this year I gave in and bought candy bars...needless to say they were all gone by the end of the night.

    Love your idea though!!! I'm sure the kids LOVED it! Next year I am going to by 100% juice boxes or packets of Apple Cider mix. I saw soda cans in some of the kids bags---what?!
