Monday, October 5, 2009

Here's to a Healthy Halloween!

It's Halloween time! For many, that means candy and the start of the "Holiday weight gain." I have a challenge for you, you may not like it, your kids may not like it (at first), but in the end it's best for all. Here it is...

Don't buy Halloween Candy!


Instead, visit Oriental Trading and get fun little toys, buy apples in bulk, or get mini microwave popcorn bags.

Your kids will get PLENTY of candy when they trick-or-treat on Halloween, you don't need to add to it! AND they don't need it in the house all month long!! If anything, wait to buy the candy the day of so it's not lurking around. You will be happy that you don't have excess candy lying around the house. When you find that you do, go here. This is a great way to "use" your extra candy and to teach your kids a little about science.

I know you think I'm crazy. I know you think your kids are going to think you have the boring house, but they truly don't care. I promise!
Will I let my kid trick-or-treat? YES
Will I eat Halloween candy? YES
But, that doesn't mean it needs to be a month long candy fest.
Let your kids be kids, but don't go overboard. And remember they will get candy everywhere else!!
Good luck and let me know if you have any non-candy, trick-or-treat give-a-way ideas.

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