Monday, October 4, 2010


I am not sure what to call these...Sweet Potato Egg Cups (perhaps)
1 large sweet potato
12 tsp Earth Balance (or butter)
10 free range eggs
1 cup organic milk
1 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
Salt and Pepper

Wash and peel sweet potato. Grate using a food processor.
Fill each cup of a muffin tin with grated potato, pressing down and around to form a cup. Place one teaspoon of butter in each "cup". Salt and pepper. Bake at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Until the edges start to crisp.
Meanwhile, whisk together eggs, milk, cheese, salt and pepper.
Pour the mixture evenly into each cup. filling to the top. Bake again at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Let cool slightly before removing from the pan.


  1. Mmmmm...those look so good!! I'm totally going to make them. Hey - now that we're starting more finger foods for Miles I'm trying to think of easy (minimal prep) and quick meals or snacks for him. What do you think about doing a post about good older baby/toddler foods and snacks? :) Right now we do bits of cheese, beans, bread, avocado, bananas...but need other ideas! Your shredded sweet potato made me think that I could do that too...but how would I cook it? Boil, bake, steam? I just have no clue and need ideas. I could do that with zucchini too, right? Oh, and apples and carrots? Hmmmm, now the ideas are flowing. Your the pro though....any thoughts???

  2. Those look delicious! I will have to try out the recipe!

  3. I made these yesterday and they were delish! I had a little trouble getting them out of the pan, though. Did you spray your muffin tin or flour/grease it? I sprayed and it, but perhaps I let them cool a little too long. At any rate, they were fab. The sweetness of the sweet potato with the egg is just so good.

    I pulled one out of the tin before the egg/milk mixture and let my 11 month old eat it and she loved it. (But who doesn't love butter on sweet potatoes, right?)

    Thanks for the recipe. :)
