Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I sure was hoping to get a few more comments, especially since the tracker kept climbing. Nonetheless, the winner of the VERY FIRST Bite Rite giveaway goes to...The Martin Family who said, "I love anything nutrition. I have three girls and want to start them out right"!!
All you need to do now is email me (devpettit@yahoo.com) your home address and the BEAUTIFUL magazine will be on its way!!
Please spread the word about Bite Rite. There is a TON of nutrition information available anywhere you go, but receiving your information from a Registered Dietitian is the BEST place!
I will do my part to update more regularly. So, check back often for everything new that is coming.
As soon as I get 50 followers I will do another GIVE-A-WAY!
Thanks for your support!

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