Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A question for you

As you can see I have added a poll to the top of my blog. I am asking you,

"How many times per week do you eat out?"

I am amazed when I ask people this question and they say,"Oh not very much- maybe 1 or 2 times." I don't want to be rude, but I know when they are lying. I can tell when people aren't telling me the truth, its quite obvious. I usually say nothing, but the truth usually comes out when they recite their food record. Just so you know, "grabbing something quick for lunch" is eating out and so is "bringing home a pizza for dinner." That's already one or two times per day!

I'll post on the results.


  1. Remember that everything someone says comes through the filter of their own perception. They don't *think* they're lying.

    Case in point: have you ever heard a 700 pound person say they don't eat that much?

    I have.

  2. I know. But, I also think some people know they are lying. Its funny how even though people are paying to talk to us they are scared that we will "judge" them for what they eat.

  3. You know as I read your post, we hardly ever go out to eat, because we can't afford it. But then I look at our past week and we have eaten out at least twice. But not much more than that!! I wouldn't have lied to you!! hehee!!!

  4. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with eating out. You can make healthy or unhealthy choices regardless of where you eat.
