Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Be More Mindful

I came across this article a few weeks ago while working on a project at work. I thought it was simply brilliant. We all lead crazy lives and nutrition is not number one on many peoples lists as evidenced by the fact that obesity rates are on the rise. Yet, we are also a country obsessed with dieting - aiming for unhealthy weights. I honestly believe with all of my heart that if we worked a little harder on these 11 rules, our waistlines would shrink (or get to their appropriate size) and we would develop a normal relationship with food.

11 Rules For Mindful Eating:

1. Only eat. Don't do other things like play on the computer, watch TV, drive, etc.

2. Pay attention to what triggers you to eat.

3. Eat slowly. Taste your food, savor it, and enjoy it.

4. Set the table. Make mealtime special.

5. Be a food snob. Only eat food that you truly love to eat.

6. Don't eat "diet food". It can fool you into eating more and it doesn't taste good.

7. Read Labels. Educate yourself with what is really in your food.

8. Feel hungry. Let hunger trigger you to eat, not other things.

9. Defect from the clean plate club. It's OK to throw away food, stop when you have had enough.

10. Listen to music when you dine. It may not be possible all the time, but it can be relaxing.

11. Don't Judge. You aren't a bad person if you have a cookie, just like you aren't perfect if you choose the veggie tray.

It may not be possible to eat like this everyday of your life, but working on one at a time is a great goal to have.

Oh, and Happy Registered Dietitian Day. I of course had to post something today!!

1 comment:

  1. Number two is the hardest thing in the entire world.
