Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just try it!

I am not a vegetarian. Yet, I believe in “Meatless Monday’s” at least when it comes to dinner. The problem is I have a husband, a husband who believes that if there is not “meat” – it’s not dinner. Having at least one meat less dinner a week can save you money, protect your heart, and is good for the environment. It’s a win, win, win situation! If you are a meat lover, the task is finding a recipe that is tasty enough so that you don’t miss the meat.

Last night for dinner we had tofu nuggets from a fabulous cookbook titled, “Deceptively Delicious”. I had only one fear as I prepared this meal. No, it wasn’t that my 2-year-old wouldn’t eat it. In fact, he likes tofu. He eats it first when I order miso soup at a Japanese restaurant and he was even munching on the small pieces as he helped me prepare dinner. My fear was that I would hear never ending complaining from my husband. He cringes at the word tofu and he lived in an Oriental country for 2 years of his life! Tofu can have a bad rap, but I promise if you prepare it correctly it is actually quite tasty. He even liked this recipe. So, try it…I DARE you!!!

Tofu Nuggets
25 minutes. 4 servings.
1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1 TBS flaxseed meal (not whole flaxseed)
1 TBS grated parmesan cheese
½ teaspoon paprika (I used chili powder)
1 cup spinach, broccoli, or pea puree (I used pea, because I had organic frozen peas in the freezer)
1 large egg, beaten
1 (14 oz) package extra firm tofu
½ teaspoon salt (I also used pepper)
1 TBS Olive oil

1. In a bowl, stir together the breadcrumbs, flaxseed meal, parmesan cheese, and paprika. Set aside.
2. In a shallow bowl, mix the vegetable puree with the beaten egg and set next to the breadcrumb mixture.
3. Slice the tofu into ½ inch thick cubed pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Dip into the puree mixture, then roll in the breadcrumbs.
4. Coat a large non-stick skillet with cooking spray and set over medium high heat. When the pan is hot add the oil.
5. Add the tofu in a single layer (be careful not to overcrowd the pan) and cook until nicely browned on one side, 3-4 minutes. Turn and cook about 2-3 minutes on the other side.

We enjoyed our tofu nuggets atop a crisp green salad with creamy yogurt dressing. Good news, the hubby liked it! I bet you will too!!


  1. I am going to try this! Sounds delicious and I actually have the cookbook!

  2. That sounds great. To my Recipe List I will add this. Thanks!

  3. I am excited to try this. I just told my husband the other day that I am going to eat more tofu. He cringes at the word as well. He is also a meat lover, but we actually eat at least 1 or 2 meals a week meatless now, and most of the time it is his meal idea.
