Monday, November 7, 2011

realistic goals

I have been wanting to post about this issue for a while now. Then, a friend brought it up on Facebook. I'm glad. This needs to be discussed. 

I love pinterest. It's a new addiction of mine. I love to get ideas, though I'm not too crafty. I also think it's a fabulous way to store new recipes (healthy or not) to try. I also like to pin things for my kids...clothes, ideas, etc. One thing I've been noticing A LOT of are fitness boards. I'm all for taking care of yourself...obviously. But, some of the pins cause me to shake my head and want to gag. This one for example...
First, if you are doing it (whatever "it" is...starving yourself, avoiding carbs, exercising excessively) for "the stares" or "the whispers" that's not really for yourself. Also, the collarbone, the hipbone, the light as a feather feeling. How disturbing is that! This just makes me cringe, does it make you cringe? 
Yes, we NEED to eat healthy. Yes, we NEED to exercise. Yes, we should be at a healthy weight. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, but there is no reason to do it through self-loathing. You can still look good, be healthy AND not have a gap between your thighs. Plus, who wears belly shirts?
I'm at a healthy weight. I feel pretty good about myself. Sure, I wish I didn't have a bit of "cottage cheese" on my bum. I wish I didn't have an extra tummy roll or little love handles. But, I've had two kids!! The amount of effort that goes into getting a six pack after I've had two kids (and gained 90 pounds...not at once) is a lot. I'm sure it is possible, but Im ok with not having one. There are more important things in life. 

There are some great and motivating quotes that I read. 
"Never underestimate the power to change yourself."
"Abs are made in the kitchen"
"Run faster. Eat better. Sleep longer. Try harder. Aim higher. Love more"
These are good quotes.

The ones that sound absurd to me:
"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
"You will regret eating that cookie. You won't regret running that mile."
I also read some bizarre facts ideas about drinking apple cider vinegar daily. Weird. 

Furthermore, it takes A LOT of work to look like many of the models in the pictures. They eat very specific meals to look that way. Fitness models "lean out" before a photo shoot or competition. They work with trainers and nutritionists to meet their goals. Then, they gain weight back and continue the cycle. I'm convinced it's not the healthiest way to live. But, it works for them. And, if that's really what you want to do who am I to say otherwise. Just be smart. 

Bottom line:
Some people pin a bunch of Tory Burch gear on their fashion boards.
 Is it possible that they will get it all? Sure. It's it realistic? No.
It's great to have realistic, healthy goals. Go for it, do your best. But, do it for health and treat your body right. Love yourself. Let's stop with the self-loathing pins so I can scroll through pinterest without gagging. 
I must say, I do like this one...


  1. AMEN! Thank you for that! I was hesitant to bring it up on fb because I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but seriously. The self-hating messages are getting out of control! I don't want to see them when I'm scrolling through my pinterest, I wish there was a way to block it!

  2. Devrie, I really appreciated this post. I love your honesty. I'm getting used to my new post-baby body, but I feel good! Thanks for the reassurance that we don't have to be a size 4 to be proud of our bodies!

  3. Amen sista! You are right on. I tend to be hard on myself, but at the end of the day there are a LOT of things that taste WAY better tough skinny feels. And I plan on taking that to the grave! ;)
