Saturday, May 29, 2010

Baby Weight

Sorry for no recent posts. I have a pretty cute excuse. I had a baby girl. She is lovely, the extra flub is not. If losing weight is anything like it was after my last pregnancy, it will take a while to come off (breastfeeding does not help me lose weight like it does most women). I may know a lot about weight loss and nutrition, but that doesn't make the journey any less difficult. I am not a celebrity, I am a normal woman. So... follow me on my weight loss journey as I earn my normal figure back. It's hard work.

I gained 40 pounds this time around. I've lost half that (the baby, placenta, blood, fluid, etc.) in 3.5 weeks.
I have 20 more to go.

Here is my plan...
Follow the couch to 5K running guide
Follow a 40% carbohydrate meal plan with about 1800-2000 calories (I am breastfeeding so I must pay attention to my milk supply)

If you are post-partum and would like a meal plan email me. I will take all your info (height, weight, gender, goal weight, and level of physical activity) to create a personalized meal plan. That includes, 5-6 meal ideas and macronutrient breakdown. The cost is just $25.

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