Monday, January 18, 2010

It does the body good!

I am well aware that there are varying opinions about milk among the health-conscious. So, as a health and nutrition professional I want to share my opinion…
I love [cows] milk and I believe it has wonderful properties that promote good health. In a great grocery store navigation tool titled, Eat this Not that: Supermarket Survival Guide, David Zinczenko called milk:
“…a secret formula – a potion, an elixir, a witch’s brew – that can do all of the following:
- Build muscle, increase bone density, and help fight arthritis and injury.
- Protect you from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
- Tell your body when to store more fat – and when to burn it for energy.
- Protect your body from bacteria and viruses.
Wow. One magic potion that can keep you lean, strong, healthy, and energized? What is this incredible concoction? Simple: it’s sneaky combination of calcium and protein…”

Did you know that compared to carbohydrate, protein has a higher thermic effect of food? Basically, it takes energy or calories to digest all foods, but it takes much more to digest protein than carbohydrate or fat. One cup of milk (8 oz) provides 8 grams of protein! There are just 5 grams of protein in one cup of soy milk.

Calcium is another power nutrient that has numerous health benefits that can help you stay lean, not to mention that it’s vital for our bones. Research conducted at Harvard Medical School showed that those who ate 3 servings of dairy a day were 60 percent less likely to be overweight. Another study out of the University of Tennessee put 2 groups of women on diets that were 500 calories less than what they were used to eating. On average, each lost about a pound per week. However, the second group had dairy added to their diets and their weight loss doubled!!

Just so you know - research has shown that these results cannot be duplicated with calcium supplements. Some researchers believe it may have something to do with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) a naturally occurring trans fat that is found in beef and dairy products. This type of fat is actually very beneficial to our health. Research shows that CLA can help manage blood sugar levels and may potentially work against adipose tissue around the abdomen – which is the deadliest place to store fat. If you don’t consume 3 servings of dairy per day and/or you limit lean beef consumption, you should look into supplementation.

There you have it. Those are some of the reasons why I believe milk does the body good. If you are lactose intolerant…wait, let me rephrase that. If you THINK you are lactose intolerant (because it may be all in your head) prove it. A study conducted at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Minneapolis found that individuals who considered themselves to be “severely lactose intolerant” reacted no differently to a cup of milk and a placebo. Interesting.

If you truly are lactose intolerant you may be able to heal your gut and improve you digestion.
- Try cheese
- Try kefir (a fermented milk beverage)
- Try PLAIN yogurt
- Take a probiotic supplement

Oh, and one more thing. Milk is the NUMBER ONE grocery item that you should purchase organic. If you buy nothing else organic, at least choose milk. If you really can’t spend $6 for a gallon of milk (and I can understand that) look for a quality brand like Winder Dairy that pledges no growth hormones or antibiotics. There should be a label stating that present. Stick to 1% or skim.


  1. As hard as I have tried, I can not choke down a glass of milk. It grosses me out. What about soy or rice milk?

  2. This is so timely that you've posted this! Right after our work-out tonight, I was reaching for my soy milk and my hubby was reaching for regular milk. We were trying to get a quick dose of protein: I was shocked in the difference between the calcium in a regular glass of milk compared to soy milk. I have tried regular milk in the past year to see if it still upsets my stomach, and it does, but I am able to eat cheese and yogurt. I tried your plain yogurt suggestions and love them! Thanks Devrie!

  3. I know there are a ton of people who truly hate the taste of milk. Soy milk is just fine, it's just not as high in protein and lacks some of the amazing components such as CLA. Just try to aim for 3 servings of dairy per day. 3/4 cup plain yogurt with Bare Naked Granola and fruit for breakfast, a string cheese with whole wheat crackers for a snack, and perhaps a smoothie made of soy milk for an afternoon snack(or even cows milk -with other stuff in it you shouldn't "taste" it). You can also do cottage cheese. Hope this helps!!
