Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Some of my favorites...

We are all in a hurry. We all have a desire to eat healthy (for the most part). We think we know what we should eat.
These are a few of my favorite products for healthy eating in a hurry.

Best Cracker - Triscuit, Hint of Salt
Only 3 ingredients. Whole wheat, soybean oil, salt. Pairs nicely with Cache Valley String Cheese, which is the best string cheese!

Best Cereal - A toss up between Kashi Go Lean Original (NOT Go Lean Crunch) and Kashi Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat
Go Lean has 10 grams of fiber and a whopping 13 grams of protein. It has 6 grams of sugar which is the absolute max you want to go for sugar in your cereal.

Honey Toasted Oat is the best version on Honey Nut Cheerios. It resembles cat food slightly, but it is yummy. It has just 5 grams of sugar (perfection), 5 grams of fiber (3 of which are insoluble = heart health), and 4 grams of protein.

Best Protein/Snack Bar - Clif Mojo Sweet and Salty, Honey Roasted Peanuts and Pretzels
Protein bars are often full of junk and are either too high in sugar or contain artificial sweeteners. This is my favorite because it contains organic ingredients, has 9 grams of sugar (pretty good), has 10 grams of protein to keep you full and satisfied, and is less than 200 calories (which is what you want in a snack). Plus, it tastes delish - a difficult to find aspect in a protein bar.
Best Post Workout Snack - Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk
Dr. Robert Portman discovered that our bodies are extremely sensitive to certain nutrients after an intense workout. Chocolate milk is the perfect recovery snack because it has the best ratio of simple carbohydrates to lean protein. Milk also contains important electrolytes that are essential to replace sweat loss. Plus, the slight amount of caffeine found in the chocolate helps to replenish glycogen stores more quickly. Horizon is the absolute tastiest! It is also sold in single serving shelf-stable boxes that you can throw in your gym bag.
Best Frozen Entree - Kashi Chicken Florentine
Oh is this yummy. It is slightly higher in sodium than I would like it to be, so make sure you don't add any extra seasoning. Its under 300 calories, has 5 grams of fiber, and 22 grams of protein. In the land of prepackaged, frozen meals it might not get better than this.

Best Frozen Waffles - Natural Directions Blueberry Waffles
This is a well-affordable organic line found at Harmon's and I am in love. I have often found these 2 for $6. Awesome. They are made from an organic white wheat which is a softer wheat that still has the benefits of high fiber. The blueberries make the kitchen smell delightful.

Best "condiment" - Adam's Natural Creamy Peanut Butter.
Is peanut butter a condiment? Well, it is a great addition to Utah apples and pears this time of year. It adds some substance to your snack, keeping you fuller for longer. It's purely simple, just peanuts and salt. Don't be mislead by the other "natural" peanut butters that don't require you to stir. They contain palm kernel oil a saturated fat.
Well, that's all the grab-and-go I can think of right now. If you are curious about any products you see, let me know.

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