Deep inside I have really good ideas for this blog. Yet, when it comes down to it I cannot find the time I need. I truly appreciate the support of the few readers I have. I love getting emails about a recipe or a product. AND, I absolutely love creating individual meal plans, something that I used to do at my old job. I may not be the most regular updater, but I appreciate you reading when I do.
The giveaway is still going on {check it out here} tell your friends to Follow Bite Rite. It will continue through Memorial Day. The more entries you submit, the better your chances are!
Since I am home alone {on a Friday night} with a sick, sleeping little girl I will leave you with some scenes from her birthday party.
Here is my baby girl. She turned two and we wore matching purple gingham. Please forgive my air dried hair and no make-up, I had risen at 4 am to run 13.1 and made it home 60 minutes before the party started.
The food table:
Homemade mac and cheese using Quinoa noodles {recipe here}:
Carrots and cucumber with cottage cheese dill dip:
Lemon Blueberry cupcakes {recipe here}:
Grape Italian Soda Bar {frozen concentrate, sparkling water, real whipped cream}:
the banner and cupcake toppers were from {this} etsy seller.
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