Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I almost always prefer a whole food over a meal replacement/protein shake/bar. In fact, it has been years since I purchased a grab-and-go of the aforementioned. Yet, I understand that life can be crazy and sometimes we just need something quick. The other day I came across Orgain. It is similar to the Slimfast, Boost, Ensure, and Muscle Milk category of beverages. You can compare them here.
I tried it out after my morning jog and it was pretty tasty. The only issue is that there are 13 grams of sugar. While some of those sugars are coming from the fruit and vegetable juices, the beverage also contains evaporated cane juice {sugar}. The sugar allows it to be a great post workout snack. In my opinion, one Orgain after a workout is a better option than Muscle Milk {acesulfame potassium, and sucralose}.
Do you have a favorite meal replacement bar or shake?
Let me know about it and I will review it!

Also, enter our giveaway for a Rainbow Kit. Tell your friends too!

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