Monday, April 18, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

They are starting to catch on!
I have remained consistent in my beliefs when it comes to sending food and party favors to my son's preschool class. Instead of sending candy and treats I send other things.
For his Spring Party last week he was told to bring an Easter basket and 8 treats or novelties for his classmates. He and I found some cute little pots with seeds and soil in the dollar section at Target. They are so adorable and serve so many purposes. Besides being cute, they are practical, educational, and fun!
This is what his Easter basket looked like when he came home...
Half treats, half non-treats!
I never said that there should be no treats or that you should deprive your children of candy. But, it is fun to change things up. I PROMISE your kid will still get candy in their basket at school.
Perhaps you can send a little memo to the Easter Bunny too. Pick one or two of your kids favorite treats to include in the basket and fill the rest of it with small toys, books, or outdoor play items.

Please oh please enter the GIVEAWAY! I am moving the date up to Thursday! That way you can get it in time for Easter!!

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