Tuesday, January 18, 2011

what's IN for two-thousand eleven?

I was perusing through my favorite foodie website and came across an article on Food Fads for 2011. Check it out here. I found it very interesting and thought I would share my thoughts. Just like fashion, things are in and things are out. Most things that sound too good to be true won't last long. So... the next magic, cure-all food/pill/beverage that comes along...be skeptical. I always am! Here is the list:

1. The trend for super fruits (i.e. Acai, gogi, pomegranate, etc) is down. These are still nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich fruits, but paying a large sum for one ounce of these beverages isn't going to save your life. Remember, VARIETY is key. Each fruit and veggie have different amounts and varying types of nutrients, all work together to promote good health. I could have told you this last year!! And, I did.

2. Gluten-free diets are trending up. I predict that this TREND won't last long. I believe that more and more people are becoming aware of celiac disease/gluten intolerance but, if you don't suffer from either of these there is no reason to avoid gluten. The only advantage would be that gluten is found in processed food as it is the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. So, cutting out gluten would help you consume less processed food. However, there has never been more gluten-free cookies, crackers, and snack items (i.e. processed food) on the market as there is now.

3. Street food is trending up. I am not promoting hot dogs here. There are actually some fancy/high-quality "moving foods" out there. Check this out.

4. Omega-3 is STILL trending up. I can't imagine it will ever trend down as EVERY human being can benefit from omega-3, everyone from the fetus in the womb to the elderly. There is a plethora of amazing research supporting the benefits of DAILY omega-3 consumption.

5. Cupcakes are trending down. Today it seems as though you can find a cupcake joint on every corner. Only the really, really good ones will survive. I like to go here sometimes with my little boy for our one-a-month date night.

6. Meatless meals are still trending up. You all know that while I am not a vegetarian I fully support a few meatless meals during the week. If you haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet...DO IT!

7. Probiotics are still trending up. Personally, I don't take a probiotic supplement mainly because that is one more thing I have to pay for. As with any supplement (excluding omega-3) I would rather save my money to purchase HIGH QUALITY food. I recommend plain yogurt!

8. Growing your own is still trending up. If you are hesitant/don't have time/don't want to grow a garden I recommend a CSA (community sponsored agriculture). I'm using this one.

9. Bacon is trending down. Good. With the exception of seeing bacon crumbled on a some doughnut I saw on the Food Network, I didn't know this was a trend. Sure, bacon adds flavor to food. Personally, I am NOT a bacon fan.

10. Simpler, wholesome food is trending up. Let's hope so. If you choose to follow any trend, pick this one. This is what we all should live by.

What trend are you going to follow this year?


  1. I really need to be better at my omegas in my life... thanks for the reminder. Very interesting post.
