Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Prego and deli meat

Did you know that there is a list of food women should avoid if they are pregnant? I believe that more and more women are becoming aware of this list, while others don’t seem to know much about it.

The list of foods includes…
Certain types of fish (ones that are high in mercury like albacore tuna, shark, mackerel, & swordfish)
Deli meat
Hot dogs
Soft cheeses like brie, feta, gorgonzola, etc.

When I was pregnant with my first baby I completely avoided this list of food. Now that I have number two on the way, I have already realized that you aren’t as strict the second time around.
For the purpose of this post I want to focus on deli meat. Deli meats are known to be contaminated with the bacteria listeria. A woman’s immune system is compromised during pregnancy and they are much less likely to fight off an infection. Exposure to these bacteria can be very harmful for the developing fetus. This is why the recommendation to avoid deli meat is given to pregnant women.

In my opinion, this probably isn’t the number one concern during pregnancy. Like my male doctor said, “I eat deli meat when I’m pregnant.”

If you are concerned, these are some tips to protect you and your baby…
Heat kills the bacteria. So a Panini sandwich is one way to enjoy your turkey sandwich craving. Heat the meat until it’s steaming.
I believe you are ok to have fresh roasted turkey or ham. If you go to a reputable food establishment, you are much safer than consuming a sandwich that has been prepared from meat that has been in your fridge for a while.
Stick to real, high quality meats like turkey. Avoid the mixed meats like pastrami and salami…but, that’s just healthy eating.

Speaking of healthy eating, another thing that EVERYONE (not just pregnant women) should look out for in deli meats is nitrites and nitrates. These are chemicals that preserve the meat and keep it from turning gray. Unfortunately, they are potentially carcinogenic. Bores Head and Applegate Farms are two brands that do not use nitrates in their meats. Additionally, you should always choose a low-sodium type.

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