Monday, August 24, 2009

Found it!

I am often asked/complained to…
What can I drink besides water?
I get so sick of just water!
Sometimes I just need something else!
Sometimes I need a pick-me-up in the afternoon.

Personally, I just don’t get it. Since I made a New Year’s Resolution with my dad in 1998 to not drink soda that year (I won), I have never craved it. In fact, I went 6 years with no soda at all! I don’t understand the drink run to 7-11 or the need to purchase a Lake Powell-sized Diet Coke instead of lunch. Therefore, I haven’t been too supportive of my clients & others who complain as stated above. I 100% believe that if you phase it out, you will decrease your craving for it and learn to love water as I do. Really, the only beverages I drink are milk and water. Have I had soda in recent years? Yes. I had some of Tyler’s old fashioned root beer at the Brick Oven in July, it was actually quite refreshing. Also, for some reason I am convinced that Coke (real, not diet) tastes so much better at Christmas time. Some years I will have a sip, some I won’t. This post is not to brag of my healthy ways, I have my vices too. In fact, I don’t think I have ever turned down a fudgy brownie with ice cream! Just look at my pregnancy photos and my love for food will become evident!! This post was partially inspired by the fact that I have had an extremely difficult time staying awake at work and I “need something else!” Usually, I just ignore it and try to move on. However, this time I felt compelled to find something for myself and my clients.

And here it is...

-Sweetened with Stevia, the trendy & natural zero calorie sweetener (the best of all the 0 calorie sweeteners)
- No phosphoric acid (found in colas and linked to calcium loss in bones)
- Natural Carmel color
- Nothing artificial
- Triple filtered carbonated water (there is nothing wrong with carbonation BTW)

I am not saying that you should drink this by the gallon (although it would be much better to do so than to drink Diet Coke by the gallon.) For the occasional pick-me-up in the afternoon, I say why not? And that’s a first for me when it comes to anything soda!


  1. YAY!!! Devrie...I am so excited about this blog! I will for sure spread the word. I can't wait to read all your tid bits of info. Great post...and I am proud to say that I have not had a sip of soda...well since Houston...and I could not agree with you more that the less you drink, the less you crave. Gotta LOVE ice cold water! I am however interested in this new soda you found...where can I buy it?

  2. Sadly, its only at Whole Foods and Sunflower Market. It's $5 for 6 cans, which can be expensive for those chronic Diet Coke drinkers. I tried it and it tates very similar to Diet Coke, but they have other flavors. I bet I would like the root beer. Ty was so happy I brought soda home last night.

  3. I also dislike soda or anything with carbonation. Unfortunately, people drink carbonated water over here and I either have to ask for an exception or gulp it down (which usually results in them giving me more, eck!). Thanks for the tips.
